If you are in business, you will have most likely heard of live chat or web chat. We all seem to be using live chat, even when we don’t know exactly what to call it.
I know when I mention my business… Outsourced Live Chat, I sometimes get a ahhh! really! from people who are not sure or a “whats that then”? I totally understand, its identity and use are many.

I would think most businesses are thinking about live chat now and potentially do need it. To begin, the software for live chat functionality is placed on your website (trust me, very simple) visitors can then chat to a representative of your business. That same representative can respond to visitors on your facebook, twitter and instagram pages, and, ask them to chat directly with them (this is easy too) Great for answering queries or taking complaints offline. Live chat integrates with so many digital platforms now, it is becoming the communication channel of choice. It truly is omnichannel.

- Looks something like this, on your website, inviting customers to engage.
Really, all Live Chat is, is another channel for your customers and clients to contact you. But, wait, it can be so much more.

A good Live Chat agent chats to your website visitors, not one at a time, but three or four at a time, like a fantastic customer service octopus.
Dedicated agents build rapport, know your business inside out. The written word is mightier than the phone. Customers and clients love being able to have the whole conversation in writing to refer back to in their own time. That’s why it is important it is executed properly.
Live Chat is customer service, its a piece of your website that says we are open for business. To me, when I see the “chat now” button it feels like the equivalent of an hello if you walked into a shop, and, browsing a website if I get a pop-up with a “can I help you” I can choose to decline or ask for help.

Even the option for Leave a message, which I know, can be frustrating, potentially, could deliver a great customer experience. Manage your response expectations, and get back to them sooner than you advised. Oldie but goodie! Its all about customer service.
Live chat done well is a memorable experience for your customers, live chat done badly, is a memorable experience for your customers, for all the wrong reasons.

Modern portable devices are in everyone’s pocket
Its simple to set up for your business, however, make sure you have ongoing consistent dedicated agents to facilitate it for you. If you need support don’t hesitate to get back to me.