Today is the day

First time blogger, great at Live Chat Hi my name is Karen Levett and I am the founder of the Live Chat Factory (LCF). I’m launching Live Chat Factory (LCF) today Whoop Whoop! thank you for joining me and taking time to find out what it’s all about. How are you? I’d like to think […]
It’s easy to have live chat on your website

Live Chat or Web Chat might seem to some of us, like something bigger companies do to communicate with their clients. they do not need live chat, that their business is not busy enough. The thing is, lots of smaller businesses are thinking about offering a live chat service to their clients , and potentially […]
What is Live Chat?

If you are in business, you will have most likely heard of live chat or web chat. We all seem to be using live chat, even when we don’t know exactly what to call it. I know when I mention my business… Outsourced Live Chat, I sometimes get a ahhh! really! from people who are not sure or a […]
Your customers have gone digital

Digital transformation is continuing. According to a report by KPMG 80% of customers intend to stay with digital channels they have become familiar with. Even when things get back to “normal” This is not surprising, given the rapid adoption of digital by businesses, wanting to keep in touch with their customers over the past six […]
Web based businesses
I am constantly online with my business. I support businesses 24/7 with a mix of Live Chat Agents and Chatbots. I came across this the other day “7-50 Potential Online Business Ideas That Could Make You Rich” I thought interesting! Especially as I provide a comprehensive live chat answering service for web based businesses….this is […]